School Lunches
At St Paul’s we focus on every child’s wellbeing and ensure that all children are happy and healthy at school.
School Lunches
We provide a healthy lunch option prepared and served in-house by our teaching staff that can be purchased for £2.68 per day. All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to free school lunches as part of Universal Infant Free School Meals provided by the government.
Packed Lunches
Children are welcome to bring in their own packed lunch if they prefer. We ask that this be in a labelled lunch box / bag and that drinks are in a leak-proof bottle
As we are a healthy school, please do not send in sweets or fizzy drinks as part of their lunch.
We continue to promote children’s wellbeing during snack time and encourage all children to have healthy snacks.
We ask parents to support us in this by providing a healthy snack such as fruit, vegetables, bread sticks etc. It would be helpful if this snack was separate in your child’s bag as when children go into their lunch box at break time, they are often tempted to find an unhealthy snack!
There is always fruit available in school.
We operate an allergy friendly environment to protect those members of our school community who are susceptible to adverse reactions, predominantly from the peanuts and tree nuts.
The best way to maintain this is to ask you not to send in any items of food with any type of nut listed in the ingredients.
Children remain on the school premises during lunch time where they are supervised by our staff. They are encouraged to eat as much of their lunch as possible but will never be forced to eat. If we have any concerns about the amount of food your child is eating at lunch times we will let you know.